Science Websites To Visit - A MUST VISIT
If you are feeling tired from doing assessment papers, feel free to visit the following websites. A good form of revision that provides immediate release of answers. I have assigned many tests for you to revise P5, P4 and even P3 work. I think these will really help you. Please attempt them; you won't regret it.
You guys are doing really well, so continue to persevere..I promise a more relaxing time after exams.. All the best guys.. See you on Monday.
Useful Science Website
Dear Pupils,
How are all of you doing? I hope you are doing your online tasks and revising your work thoroughly. I'm counting on you to do your part and in the meantime, please check through your answers...
- A deduction of 1 mark for any spelling or punctuation error (Maximum 3 errors )
- 0 marks for any grammatical error.
Synthesis/Transformation PAGE 5
1. On seeing the shark swimming towards him, the man quickly swam towards shore / the shore.
2. The crocodile was hunted for its skin.
3. The blue whale, which is an endangered species, is the largest mammal.
OR The blue whale which is an endangered species is the largest mammal.
4. The mountain gorillas were driven from their habitat as the forest were cleared.
5. Because its eggs were eaten by rats, cats and monkeys, the Dodo bird became extinct.
OR Because the Dodo bird’s eggs were eaten by rats, cats and monkeys, it became extinct.
Synthesis/Transformation PAGE 6
1. Although these vegetables are fresh, they are expensive.
OR Although these vegetables are expensive, they are fresh.
2. He kicked the ball as if he was Fandi Ahmad.
3. Julie went to work even though she had a headache.
4. He ate the chicken rice as though he had been starved for days.
5. He went jogging although it was very hot.
6. He laid on the ground and as though he was dead.
Synthesis / Transformation Page 7
1. You must say goodby to him before he leaves today.
2. While I went shopping with my mother, I saw some things I wanted to buy.
3. Bungee-jumping is such a dangerous sport that even I wouldn't try doing it.
4. When I asked her what she was laughing at, she wouldn't tell me.
5. Taking care in not waking his parents, he got ready for work.
OR Taking care to not wake his parents, he got ready for work.
Synthesis / Transformation PAGE 9
1. I bought three tapes because they were on sale.
2. The train is so slow that the journey takes two hours.
3. She complained that you were not being very fair. [Tense, Time, Place and Pronoun]
4. The sandwiches that everybody enjoyed for the picnic were prepared by Amy. OR
The sandwiches which Amy prepared for the picnic were enjoyed by everybody.
5. Without thinking about the consequences, the pupil walked out of the hall angrily.
Synthesis / Transformation PAGE 10
1. Mother likes to go to that market where she can buy a variety of spices.(drop the word there)
2. The laundry which is in the basket has not been washed yet. OR
The laundry, which is in the basket, has not been washed yet.
The laundry which has not been washed yet is in the basket.
The laundry, which has not been washed yet, is in the basket.
3. Mary was not sure when Susan's flight was to arrive. OR
Mary was not sure when Susan's flight would arrive.
4. It happened ten years ago when she met with an accident.
5. This was where I found my haversack.
Synthesis / Transformation PAGE 11
1. The captain could not control them as the sailors were mostly rough and drunken.
2. If you had told me, I would have bought it for you.
3. The novel which belonged to Sam was deliberately left on the shelf. OR
The novel, which belonged to Sam, was deliberately left on the shelf.
The novel which was deliberately left on the shelf belonged to Sam.
The novel, which was deliberately left on the shelf, belonged to Sam.
4. When the rambutans on the tree are ripe, Mr Tan will pluck them.
5. Lynn was such a popular star that everyone wanted her autograph.
Happy Teachers' Day!
Actually, I was talking to Ms Chin and Mr Asraf, and we all agreed that the gift we always like to receive, is a card or a short letter or a short email wishing us a Happy Teachers' Day. I love to read cards and messages pupils write, especially so if you really meant for it to come from your heart.I am not a perfect teacher. I am as human as any of you and like I always say, I make mistakes as well.
I may not have taught you in the best way you could have learnt, or taught you in a manner which you fancy; but I think I do enough to let you know what is right and what is wrong.
Academic results are but sets of numbers to me but most of all I really wish that all of you will leave the school a better person in character.
I just want to say, THANK YOU FOR HAVING ME IN YOUR THOUGHTS this teachers' day. Your simple gesture of giving those little gifts and writing kind words in your cards/ notes to me truly means a lot to me and it has certainly encouraged me as I push along everyday with you.
As the saying goes, 'Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.' To some extent, this is true and indeed I have met several people who enjoy their work and thus, work to them is never a chore.
What about you? What do you aspire to be when you grow up? Share with me and perhaps I can give you some tips on how to achieve your goals in life.
TKPS Soccer Girls Crowned Champions
Check out the website below. It covers a short report on our soccer girls being crowned Champions on the FAS website. It's really something...
Our Unsunken Hero

Celebrating Our Nation's Birthday By The Bay
Useful Links
Useful Links
http:www.edheads.org/ MUST VISIT
http://www.sciberdiver.edu.sg/ MUST VISIT
and leadportal
School Family Education
Author of Sing To The Dawn - Weblinks
§ http://members.authorsguild.net/minfong/
§ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minfong_Ho
§ http://www.kidspoint.org/columns2.asp?column_type=author&column_id=1454
§ http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_433_2005-01-14.html
Researching & Reading for Understanding
1. To conduct an online research on author, Minfong Ho, based on the following:
a) background
b) the books she has written
c) the literary awards won
d) themes she deals with in her books
e) her source of inspiration
2. To prepare presentation slides based on the research conducted in the form of Powerpoint. (Group work)
Hi Everyone, below are the groupings for our EL lessons in Semester 2. Hope you will all cooperate and help one another out. Remember, TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More
1. Group 1 – Dawans
§ Ameer
§ Wen Yue (Leader)
§ Madeline
§ Sheree
§ Nisa Nazurah
2. Group 2 – Kwais
§ Jared Ng (Leader)
§ Steven Christiansen
§ Vanessa
§ Phoebe
§ Yahui
3. Group 3 – Baos
§ Li Yi
§ Jia Yi (Leader)
§ Qing Lian
§ Gan Zhao
§ Jin Rui
4. Group 4 – Vichais
§ Jared Koh
§ Desmond
§ Iliya (Leader)
§ Xiu Yi
§ Goh Xin Lei
5. Group 5 – Nois
§ Bennett
§ Chun Loong
§ Matthew
§ Kai Zhe (Leader)
§ Wee Ping
6. Group 6 – Father
§ Teck Hwee
§ Jasmine
§ Seng Woon
§ Denzel (Leader)
§ Bei Yi
7. Group 7 – Mother
§ Timothy
§ Le Xuan (Leader)
§ Yu Long
§ Teh Xin Lei
§ Xin Ying
8. Group 8 – Grandmother
§ Li Si
§ Iffah (Leader)
§ Shu Yan
§ Tan Wei Ern
§ Zhe Syuen
Share your thoughts with the class.
Congrats To Dancing Duo, Jin Rui & Bernice
Welcome Back People
Fun and fruitful?! Hmmm... Is that complaints again I'm hearing. Well, quit complaining and come join me and the class in our very own and exclusive blogspot. That's right our very own spot!
I welcome all of you to pen down, well, in this case, to type out your thoughts about anything and everything under the sun. Share with us your pictures, videos, interesting news and catch up on your daily dosage of the latest happenings in school.
Now, now, this is also the place where you can post any doubts you might have about schoolwork, any tough questions etc.
Happy blogging and welcome back to school!
In the meantime, check out some of the funshots I snapped during the P5 camp.