
Our Unsunken Hero

Hey Guys

Here are some pictures from Jared's recent sailing regatta. 'Regatta' is a boat race or a meeting for boat races.
Congrats on your achievement, Jared. Know that we are really proud of your determination and passion for the sport.

Do not underestimate the size of these sailing boats people... A wrong move might capsize the boat with you in it.


Jared Ng said...

Anyway, it is not so easy to capsize..... but it will happen when there are strong winds. And try to find me in the last pic!

Anonymous said...

i found u!!!!ur face is being block by 1 person hand^^

Anonymous said...

Haha Mr Ng! Add oil add oil for your sailing, golf and whatever! But don't add too much oil!

Anonymous said...

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copy and paste...remember to tag!
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