

Boys should pursue higher education than girls. Agree or Disagree? Why do you think so?
Share your thoughts with the class.


Anonymous said...

I totally disagree.Everyone is equal,if boys are given higher education than girls,then there be no equality and justice.

Queen said...

Sheree has a point there. What about the boys in the class? Surely, they have an opinion right? ;)

Anonymous said...

No, I disagree. Because if boys were given higher education than girls, we girls will hardly get a chance to study. Not Fair.-_-

Anonymous said...

Well... I disagree with boys scaling higher education than girls because i think that sometimes girls can be more independant and hardworking than boys. Like Phoebe, she is always getting 1st in the whole level u know~ (^(00)^)

Queen said...

Wow, the girls in the class are really voicing out their opinions. Strong and relevant points too.

BOYS, this is not a battle between genders.You have the right to disagree to the statement and support your opinions accordingly.

I want to hear from both sides.


Anonymous said...


Anyway, i agree with the rest of the gals. Everyone should have a equal chance to study!!! It's not fair if only boys should be given a higher education. Girls should, too!!!

And yeah, they're boys...but so what?!Everyone is E-Q-U-A-L

Surpreme Xo Toa said...

Disagree.Boys and girl should all be given a chance.

Anonymous said...

i agree cauz i dun like 2 study

Anonymous said...

I agreed. When girls grow up and become woman,they get married and they all have to do is to cook and take care of the family .While boys grow up and become man.They need information while working. Girls also have education just that boys have higher.

Anonymous said...

Eh i disagree as the 1st is phoebe which is a girl and i am boy that i got my class position36 T_T...

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I agree with Seng Woon...All the girls have to do is to grow up, become a mother, cook for their children, take them to school and be a housewife...But girls also have to study too! But just a little lesser than boys.

Jared Ng said...

I agree. Even though the first in the whole level is a girl, most of the boys are also in the centre. And the girls only grow up and get married they will cook and look after their children while we boys have to go and work to earn money and to be able to work we must study a lot moe.

Anonymous said...

I think we have a lively discussion here. It is very clear that the boys seem to have a different opinion from the girls in the class.

Again, I'd like to emphasize that YOU DON'T HAVE TO DISAGREE OR AGREE to the statement based on your GENDER. It should be on what you truly believe.

For example, just how many female teachers do you see working? They are working just as hard as their husbands or their family members.

We women don't necessarily need to be at home cooking and cleaning. Women can easily hire maids to those tasks. Women then can concentrate on their career and thus, WE WOMEN DO NEED TO PURSUE HIGHER EDUCATION, JUST LIKE THE MEN.

What do you all think now?


annoymous said...

i agree.Boys should work hard and earn money while girls should go shopping and be a housewife.

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless...

Anonymous said...

It's true that phoebe is always getting first in class but that
does not mean that the boys are
not so intelligent. Phoebe may be
getting top in level but boys may also be getting the top in level in other schools right? Of course,
just like what sheree said,
everyone is equal,if boys pursue
higher education than girls,there
would not be equality and justice.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with what Qinglian wrote.If boys pursue higher
education,that does not mean
that girls have hardly a chance
to study!!!

Anonymous said...

em...correction,I meant "hardly
have a chance"instead of"have hardly a chance"

Anonymous said...

But some of the girls may 1 2 stay single ... Boys why only can we be a house wife , then we also can change....Boys be "houseman" ,den girls go n work also can wad .

annoymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I hate change! Isn't the world doing well now with this gender thing? Y do we wanna change it?
U noe,if we change things,complications may come in!!

Anonymous said...

i disagree..even if we r married n may bcome housewife mayb we still nid some information to teach our childrens too...
and there will be no justice in the country....
girls should hav opportunity too...:D

Queen said...

I'm glad that many more people are voicing out their opinions.

Thank you Desmond for highlighting an important point. While it is true that many women are performing well academically, MEN are doing just as well if not better.

The question is however not about whether men or women perform better acedemically. We are NOT trying to compare who is smarter. The question is 'SHOULD BOYS PURSUE HIGHER EDUCATION THAN WOMEN?'

Personally , I think that both genders are intelligent and smart. Is it really true that girls grow up to get married, become a mother and look after the children?

Jia Yi is right to say that there are women out there who do not want to get married. She must then be able to support herself financially.

There are also men who prefer to become house-husbands while their wives are the breadwinners of the house.This is already happening now and it is a fact.

So what is the conclusion if there is one that is?


XspnvY said...

No,i totally disagree.both girls and boys are equal,and who says that if girl get married one day,they can't go out and study?so all of us should be given an equal chance.......

Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Nura,
Please invite me 2 the blog thingy